The End of a Season{Short Inspirational Story}

top best inspirational stories

The day had arrived.  I had known for a month that this day was coming and was both looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time.  It was the last day that my girls would attend day care at Nana’s Kids.  My older daughter started at Nana’s when she was 4 months old and the center had quickly become a huge part of all our lives.  The staff felt like family and we were grateful for the loving care they gave to all the children.

Over the past 6 years (and one more beautiful daughter later) we’d grown to love pretty much everyone involved with the center.  The staff was fabulous, all the kids were precious and the parents had become our friends.  Everything about the place felt like a big, extended family and we felt so comfortable being part of it.

Then something changed and we knew we needed to make the move to having a full time babysitter.  We found an amazing babysitter for the girls and agreed on all the details.  That part of the arrangement was done.

Next we had to tell the owner we were leaving.  That was not an easy task as we loved her dearly, but knew we were making the right decision for our girls and our family.  The news of our leaving, although a surprise, went over well and we knew we were leaving on good terms.  What a relief.

So for the past month I’d known this day was coming and as much as I was looking forward to the next phase of childcare, I was sad.  I loved Nana’s Kids and everyone associated with it.  The routine of drop off and pickup, of seeing all the parent friends I’d made and saying hi to all the adorable kids was ending.  There would be no more quick hugs and thank yous to the staff, no more socializing at the playground across the street with the other families and no more being part of this extended family on a daily basis.  It was heart wrenching for me.

As I packed up my girls’ backpacks on that last day, some small tears rolled down my cheeks.  I put Rachael’s book of art in her bag, hugged the staff, took my girls’ hands and walked out of the center.  As I heard the door close behind us the tears were now streaming down my face.  I would miss this place that had taken such good care of my girls for years.  I would forever be grateful for all the diapers they’d changed, all the boo-boos they’d cleaned and all the laughs they’d shared with my girls.  I could never have asked for better care or more love.  It was time to move on to the next season in our lives, but I was sad to see the last season end.

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