The Biggest Gift{Short Inspirational Story}

The day was a warm, May day and my precious, little girl was 4 years old.  It seemed like just yesterday that she’d been born.  It was about 7am as we pulled up to her daycare center and she was in a wonderful and talkative mood.  As we approached the outer door to the center she was smiling and talking about her teacher, Kim.  She couldn’t wait to show Kim her new toy.

We rang the bell at the outer security door and felt the lock release so we headed on in.  As we approached the inner door, Kim was there to open it for us and greet us on this beautiful morning.  Rachael saw Kim and broke into a run, screaming, ‘Kimmie, Kimmie, Kimmie!!” the whole way.  When she reached Kim, Kim scooped her up and Rachael immediately started showing her the new toy.  I can’t remember exactly what the toy was, but it was the most important thing in Rachael’s world at that moment and Kim understood.  As Rachael babbled on and on, somewhat incoherently, about her toy, Kim nodded and said how great it was.  Rachael was so pleased with herself.

At that moment I thought about how lucky I was to have Kim in Rachael’s life.  Rachael loved Kim quite unconditionally and that love was the result of the kindness, caring and love that Kim had shown her for the past 2 years.  Kim was Rachael’s second mom and one of the most important people in her life.  I knew that in 30 years Rachael would still remember Kim with amazing fondness.  The bond they shared was one that would be nearly impossible to break.

Leaving your children with practically anyone for an extended period of time can be difficult.  Leaving Rachael for her first day of day care when she was 4 months old was excruciating.  I still remember how I cried for hours after I left her.

On this day I cried as well when I left the center, but the tears were completely different.  These were tears of joy and gratitude for the love that Rachael had in her life.  The tears were for this amazing person, Kim, who loved my daughter almost as much as I did.  I know I will never be able to repay the debt of gratitude I owe Kim.  I will never be able to express just how grateful I am or how much she is appreciated.  There is no gift big enough for what Kim has done as Kim has given my daughter the biggest gift anyone can ever give- Love

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